Patrick pˈatɹɪk McDonoughməkdˈɒnə

I'm a sysadmin and this is my site. Posts are added irregularly and without assurance of quality or accuracy. Gopher and Gemini are no longer support - however preliminary HTTP/3 support has been added.

There are various ways you can contact me. I prefer email but you can also reach out via IRC. I check both regularly, and will get back to you when I can. I am not currently looking for a job, so please don't contact me about job opportunities.

Posts I've written can be found below, starting with the most recent at the top. Below that you'll find miscellaneous pages I maintain.

Consider my site available under the GNU Free Documentation License, with the additional restriction that its contents may not be used to train neural networks, language models, or any other form of AI. This restriction is not ideal, but will exist until the legalities of AI and scraping are clearer.

Recent Blog Posts

[2024-05-01] DragonflyBSD Home Router
[2024-04-24] Yamaha SU700
[2024-03-16] Airplay 2 is annoying me
[2024-02-12] Alternative Date/Time Systems
[2024-01-18] Apple TV for Music
[2024-01-10] LTO Tapes

Older Blog Posts

Posts from 2023 [2023-12-24] Revisiting HAMMER2
[2023-09-14] DragonflyBSD and NVMM and HAMMER2
[2023-09-03] Rewriting the site
[2023-07-11] Nokia 110 4G MITM (Opera Mini)
[2023-07-08] Scraping Twitter with Ruby
[2023-04-16] Home Cooking
[2023-04-10] Sailfish
[2023-03-21] Snaps
[2023-03-01] Musescore and COB
[2023-01-20] 9P and VOIP

Posts from 2022 [2022-11-26] Unikernels
[2022-11-20] Thinkpad X13 Gen 2 (AMD)
[2022-08-18] Python Nitter/DeepL/Misskey Glue
[2022-07-19] Binning the RPI
[2022-06-01] Microcontrollers
[2022-05-21] Music

Posts from 2021 [2021-03-31] MNT Reform (Part 0)
[2021-03-24] Richard Stallman
[2021-03-12] “System Administrator”
[2021-03-08] Kubernetes Core Components
[2021-03-07] Poem: The Saint and His Shrine
[2021-03-01] Stateful Monitoring, netps
[2021-02-25] Why Fax?
[2021-02-18] Things I didn't know were in Ruby
[2021-02-16] Batch execution
[2021-01-11] Response to Lessons from an on-call experience
[2021-01-03] Youtube stream yanking

Posts from 2020 [2020-12-23] Hosting
[2020-12-19] Replacing sblg with lowdown and script
[2020-10-17] Shared state and lmdb
[2020-09-08] Mario 64 on DragonflyBSD
[2020-09-07] Virtual UKNOF September 2020
[2020-09-05] DragonflyBSD on a Macbook Air 2017 (Part 3)
[2020-07-14] Games on Dragonfly BSD (Part 1)
[2020-07-09] Emacs Keybindings
[2020-07-05] Dragonfly BSD on Macbook Air 2017 (Part 2)
[2020-07-03] Metal as a Service
[2020-07-01] Yggdrasil Network
[2020-06-29] Dragonfly BSD on Macbook Air 2017 (Part 1)


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